Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Performance Related Incentives
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
30-July-2014 16:52 IST
Government of India has accepted in principle the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for introduction of a Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) in the form of pecuniary benefit over and above the regular salary, based on the targeted performance and performance parameters, out of the Non-Plan budgetary savings, for the Central Government employees.
All the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission were discussed with all stakeholders, including employees’ unions, before Cabinet approval.
Dr. Jitendra Singh MoS (PPG&P) gave this information in Lok Sabha today in a written reply to a question by Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab and Shri Sanjay Dhotre.
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Officials with Doubtful Integrity
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
30-July-2014 16:55 IST
As a measure of preventive vigilance and following the guidelines laid down by Ministry of Home Affairs vide its Memorandum No. 105/1/66-AVD dated 28th October 1969, every year, CBI prepares the list of officers/officials of doubtful integrity. For this, CBI does not consult/coordinate with Central Vigilance Commission. More information sought for being secret in nature, cannot be disclosed in public interest.
In order to ensure timely investigation and better conviction rate, in so far as CBI is concerned, Government has taken various measures for improving the functioning of the CBI which, inter alia, includes modernization of CBI, improvement in training, infrastructure, improving conditions of work and employment of staff, rigorous monitoring of investigation by CBI & CVC, etc.
76 new Special CBI Anti Corruption Courts are functioning across the country to dispose of PC Act trial expeditiously. To improve the conviction rate, the Government has created additional posts of Public Prosecutors, training of Public Prosecutors, modernization of CFSL, etc.
Other steps taken in the recent past to effectively combat corruption include:-
(i) Enactment of Right to Information Act, 2005;
(ii) Enactment of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act, 2013;
(iii) Issue of comprehensive instructions on transparency in tendering and contracting process by the CVC;
(iv) Issue of instructions by the CVC asking the organizations to adopt Integrity Pact in major Government procurement activities; State Governments have also been advised to adopt Integrity Pact in major procurements;
(v) Introduction of e-Governance and simplification of procedures and systems;
(vi) Issue of Citizen Charters;
(vii) Ratification of United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2011;
(viii) Placing of details of immovable property returns of All Members of the All India Services and other Group ‘A’ officers of the Central Government in the public domain;
(ix) The Whistle-blowers Protection Act, 2011 (No. 17 of 2014);
Dr. Jitendra Singh MoS (PPG&P) gave this information in Lok Sabha today in a written reply to a question by Shrimati Rama Devi and Shri Chandrakant Khaire.
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Safety at Workplaces
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
30-July-2014 16:22 IST
The Minister of State for Mines, Steel and Labour and Employment, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said thatthe Government has framed a comprehensive legislation i.e. the Factories Act, 1948 for taking care of the occupational safety, health & welfare issues of the workers employed in factories /manufacturing sector including the ship breaking yard. Under Chapter-IVA of the Factories Act, 1948, there are elaborate provisions, for the hazardous process industries:
The provisions are:
41A: Constitution of the Site Appraisal Committee: 41B: Compulsory disclosure of the information by the occupier; 41C: Specific responsibility of the occupier in relation to hazardous processes;
41D: Power of the Central Government to appoint enquiry Committee;
41E: Emergency standards; 41F: Permissible limits of exposure of chemicals and toxic substances;
41G: Workers participation in safety management;
41H: Right of workers to warn about imminent danger.
In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said that the enforcement of the provisions of the Act and Rules framed thereunder are carried out by the respective State Governments /Union Territories through their State Factories Inspectorates/Directorates.
The Minister said that State Government of Gujarat has reported that various hazardous workplaces including the ship breaking yard at Alang has violated labour rights under the Factories Act, 1948 in the State of Gujarat. During last three years, 84 prosecutions have been launched by the State Government against 62 factories for the violation of different provisions of the Factories Act, 1948.
He said that a study on impact of glass wool in ship recycling activities at Alang (Gujarat) was carried out by the Directorate General Factory Advise Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI) in 2012. The Study has observed that suitable engineering measures should be adopted to reduce the personal exposure of workers from glass wool during insulation removal and collection. Use of personal protective equipment, good personal hygiene and effective medical surveillance of the workers should be introduced to protect the health of the work force involved in ship recycling activities for glass wool handling. The major recommendations of the study include:-
(i) The work of glass wool removal is not stationary in nature in ship recycling yards. It is, therefore, suggested that Portable Local Exhaust Ventilation system may be introduced to capture glass wool dust/fibres generated during ship recycling activity.
(ii) It may be ensured that workers involved in glass wool handling should be provided with personal protective equipments.
(iii) Protective clothing gets contaminated with glass wool and should be changed as necessary.
(iv) In addition, exposed workers should shower the eyes and body at the ends of the work shift before changing the clothes.
(v) Hazards information and precautions for handling of glass wool should be displayed in the ship recycling units on prominent places in the language commonly understood by the workers.
(vi) The workers involved in the glass wool handling should be trained about the safe methods of handling of glass wool, occupational health, personal hygieneand use of personal protective equipment etc. at periodic interval in the language commonly known by them.
(vii) House-keeping in the ship recycling units should be improved and maintained in good condition. The glass wool as soon removed from the surface/equipments/pipelines should be collected and disposed in prescribed manner. If glass wool left unattended on the floor its fibres/dust will disperse in the work environment and will affect the health of the workers.
(viii) The workmen should be subjected to meticulous Premedical, Periodic medical examination using special diagnostic tests as provided in State Factories Rules.
(ix) Cases or Suspects of Occupational Lung Disease detected at any stages during the course of employment and during medical examination must be notified in the prescribed form to the Chief inspector of Factories of the State of Gujarat as required under State Factories Rules.
The Minister said that Government has notified a Ship Breaking Code on 23.03.2013 which, inter-alia, covers provisions for management of Hazardous Wastes, Workers Safety and health aspects at Shipbreaking yards. Further, following steps have been taken to protect the safety of the employees of such hazardous factories/industries including the ship breaking yard in Alang, Gujarat.
(i) Personal Protective Equipments are provided to the workers.
(ii) All pressure vessels, lifting tools and tackles and dangerous machines are regularly tested by the competent persons.
(iii) Confined space entry certificate is issued before any entry in to the confined space of vessel/ship.
(iv) Qualified safety supervisors are being employed in hazardous factories/ship breaking yard.
(v) Mock drills are carried out for enhancing awareness.
(vi) Adequate firefighting facilities are available at hazardous factories.
(vii) Asbestos removal from the ship at Alang is carried out by approved agencies with due care of safety precautions.
(viii)Pre-employment and periodical medical examinations of workers are carried out. Self-breathing apparatus are provided where necessary and first-aid boxes are kept at different locations of the factories.
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Eradication of Corruption
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
30-July-2014 16:52 IST
Prime Minister’s Office, vide a communication dated 24.06.2014, informed the Department of Personnel & Training and the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances that the following are part of immediate thrust areas of the Government:-
(i) Passing of Citizen’ Grievances Bill;
(ii) Amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act.
(iii) Setting up of the Lokpal
The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill is presently pending in the Rajya Sabha. The Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Law and Justice has submitted its report on the Bill, wherein it has recommended a number of amendments in the Bill. No final decision has been taken on these recommendations. The Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011 (Citizens’ Grievances Bill) has lapsed with the dissolution of the 15th Lok Sabha.
As regards the setting up of Lokpal, the position is as follows:-
The Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of Section 1 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (1 of 2014), appointed the 16th day of January, 2014, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force.
In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (5) of section 4 of the Act, the Central Government notified the Search Committee (Constitution, Terms and Conditions of appointment of members and the manner of selection of Panel of Names for appointment of Chairperson and Members of Lokpal) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as Search Committee Rules).
A writ petition has been filed by Common Cause, a Registered Society, before the Hon’ble Supreme Court wherein, inter alia, challenge has been made to the validity of the Search Committee Rules. During the course of hearing of the case by the Supreme Court on 5th May, 2014, the Court has been informed that the Government will re-examine the issue and make formal amendments in the Rules and only thereafter proceed further in the matter. Accordingly, Government has examined the matter and it has been found that a number of provisions in the said Rules may require to be amended. Government has constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of the Attorney General for India to address the relevant issues related to the amendments to the Search Committee (Constitution, Terms and Conditions of appointment of members and the manner of selection of panel of names for appointment of Chairperson and Members of Lokpal) Rules, 2014. The matter can be processed further only after the amendments are carried out in the Rules as per the undertaking given before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Dr. Jitendra Singh MoS (PPG&P) gave this information in Lok Sabha today in a written reply to a question by Shrimati Ranjeet Ranjan and Shri Rajesh Ranjan.
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Grievances of Pensioners
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
30-July-2014 16:53 IST
The grievances received from pensioners from across the country, are registered and forwarded to respective Ministries/Departments for early redressal and monitored through online Centralized Pension Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS). This Department holds regular review meetings, at least once a month, with the Ministries/Departments having pending grievances.
As a result of this, last year 22,494 grievances have been disposed and during the current year to date 8078 grievances have been disposed against 12,136 pending grievances.
This is followed up with correspondence with concerned Ministries/Departments enclosing reports of pending grievances. The information required by pensioners are incorporated in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and are available on the departmental website – the Pensioners’ Portal.
Dr. Jitendra Singh MoS (PPG&P) gave this information in Lok Sabha today in a written reply to a question by Shri Nishikant Dubey and Shri Kunwar Haribansh Singh.
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Welfare of Industrial Workers
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
30-July-2014 13:11 IST
The Minister of State for Mines, Steel and Labour and Employment, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said that the safety and welfare concerns of the labourers/workers engaged in various industrial units in the country are taken care by the Government through enactment of various statutes in the form of Factories Act, 1948 and the Rules framed thereunder.
In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said that the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and Rules framed thereunder are enforced by the respective State Governments /Union Territories through their State Factories Inspectorates/Directorates and actions are taken by the Government for violations of the provisions in accordance with the statutory provisions for the same.
In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said that the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and Rules framed thereunder are enforced by the respective State Governments /Union Territories through their State Factories Inspectorates/Directorates and actions are taken by the Government for violations of the provisions in accordance with the statutory provisions for the same.
The Minister said that other Statutes/measures covering the social security provisions and welfare of industrial workers include; the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1962, the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 etc.
Revision of EPF Pension
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
30-July-2014 16:25 IST
The Minister of State for Mines, Steel and Labour and Employment, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said that the Government has since approved a proposal for increase in wage ceiling for coverage under Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 from Rs. 6,500/- to Rs. 15,000/- per month.
In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today, Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has said that there is no proposal under consideration for revision of pensionable salary at regular intervals keeping in view the rate of inflation. The Government has approved a minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month to the pensioners under Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Central Headquarters
1st floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
Dated : 23.07.2014
Com. Shiv Gopal Misra,
Staff Side, National Council, JCM
13 C Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001.
Dear Comrade,
Sub: Memorandum of Interim Relief and merger of Dearness allowance.
The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers places on record its appreciation over the efforts of the Staff Side, JCM, National Council in preparing and submitting the memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission, which has received the widest acceptance and admiration of the Central Government employees. Since the last date for submitting the Department-specific memorandum has been got extended by your efforts uptill 31st July, 2014, the first phase of our endeavour and interaction with the 7th CPC will come to a conclusion in a few days’ time.
I have been directed by the National Secretariat of the Confederation which met on 17thJuly, 2014 to solicit your kind reference to the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on behalf of all Federations, Unions, Associations on Interim Relief and merger of Dearness allowance. We are of the view that the Staff Side, in pursuance of the said memorandum, must seek an audience with the Pay Commission immediately to know the course of action the Commission would like to take in the matter. We must also seek an appointment with the honourable Finance Minister thereafter so as to ensure that a decision on our demands is taken by the Government without any further delay. We hope we need not emphasise the fact that the Central Government employees do expect financial benefit on this score as the erosion in the real value of wages as on date is phenomenal.
We shall be grateful if you will indicate to us your line of approach in the matter.
Thanking you and with greetings,
Yours fraternally,
M. Krishnan
Secretary General.
Copy to
1.Com. Raghaviah, Leader Staff Side, National Council, JCM
2. Com. Srikumar, Secretary General, All India Defence Employees Federation.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
CHALO DELHI 12.8.2014
CHQ, NEW DELHI - 110 001
Dated: 16.7.2014
Dear Comrades
CHALO DELHI 12.8.2014
It was decided to hold ‘HUNGER FAST’ before DAK BHAVAN, the O/o Secretary, Dept of Posts on 12.08.2014 from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM for settlement of long pending demands of our Casual labour & Contingent workers.
Even though the committee report was submitted long back, the file in Dilly-Dallying between DOPT & DOP.
1. One order regarding regularisation of Casual workers recruited even though irregularly against post before 2006 and working since 10 years basing on Supreme Court Judgement was issued. Copy of the order is enclosed. Please ensure that the order is implemented in true sprit with the help of NFPE Divisional Secretaries.
2. On 12.8.2014 evening at 17.00 hours, Central Working Committee meeting will be held in NFPE office located at North Avenue Post Office Building to review the situation.
3. In that meeting the decision of all unions on the 7th pay commission and our demands and conducting our All India Conference will be decided.
All are requested to attend in large number on 12th August 2014 to Delhi and participate in Hunger Fast and make it grand success.
With greetings.
Yours Comradely
General Secretary
CHQ, NEW DELHI - 110 001
Dated: 16.7.2014
Dear Comrades,
It is hereby notified that the Central Working Committee meeting of our federation will be held on 12.08.2014 at NFPE office, North Avenue Post Office Bldg, New Delhi under the Presidentship of Com C.C. Pillai to discuss the following Agenda.
All the CWC members are requested to attend the meeting without fail and make it success.
1. Review of 12th Aug 2014 Hunger Fast programme.
2. Discussions on decision taken by Postal JCA on 28.07.2014
for settlement of our demands.
3. Organisational review.
4. Conducting next all India conference and it's venue.
5. Any other Demands with the permission of chair.
General Secretary
Copy to:
1. ComC.C. Pillai, President with request to attend the meeting.
2. All CWC members by & Circle secretaries.
3. All General Secretaries of NFPE affiliated union
with a request to attend and share the occasion.
July 22, 2014
Going Postal
Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan had a word of advice for Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. Taking note of the number of questions that MPs had for the Minister, especially about postal services and post offices, she told the Minister, “A lot of people want to raise questions on the issues. You should pay more attention to the postal department.”The Minister on his part announced that the government had decided to open 80 Gramin Dak Sewa Post Offices and 80 sub post offices in the country under Rural Business and Access to Postal Network scheme.
The Prime Minister spent about one-and-a half–hours on the postal department

Ravi Shankar Prasad
Proper digital connectivity of all post offices in the country is top priority for the Government, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told the Lok Sabha here on Monday.
Replying to questions related to his Ministry, Prasad said the Prime Minister was personally monitoring a host of departments and postal services were one of them.
“The Prime Minister spent about one-and-a half–hours on the postal department and has given suggestions, which will be considered,” he said, in reply to a query by Biju Janata Dal’s Tathagata Satapathy on the status of the banking licence applied for by the postal department.Prasad said there was need for reforms in postal reforms as also upgradation of Grameen Dak Ghar Services, catering to the rural population.
Mobile networks
Prasad said the Government’s priority was also to improve BSNL services.
Prasad said the Government’s priority was also to improve BSNL services.
Responding to a question raised by Congress MP Ashok Chavan on poor mobile network in Naxal-affected regions in Maharashtra, Prasad said mobile networks, under the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) scheme in such areas are likely to be set up in 15 months.
A proposal to install mobile towers at 1,836 locations in nine States affected by Left Wing Extremism with funding support from USOF has already been approved, he added.
The Minister said Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) had installed mobile towers at 363 locations for which financial support to meet operational expenses would be provided through USOF.
On a question on lack of diesel supplies to BSNL mobile towers leading to their non-functionality and affecting security, he admitted there were concerns on diesel supply and “there is scope for improvement“.
The idea of using solar power for telecom towers was also being looked into, especially in the hilly regions of North East, Prasad said.
(This article was published on July 21, 2014)
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