Sunday, July 31, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
7th CPC Arrears should be paid along with August Salary- Finance Ministry Order
Finance Ministry Instructions for Pay Fixation and Payment of Arrears
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department Of Expenditure
(Implementation Cell, 7 CPC)
Ministry of Finance
Department Of Expenditure
(Implementation Cell, 7 CPC)
Room No. 214, The Ashok
New Delhi, the 29th July, 2016
New Delhi, the 29th July, 2016
Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission- Fixation of pay and Payment of arrears – instructions Regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department Of Expenditure’s Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25/07/2016, bringing out the decisions of the Government On the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission as well as the consequent promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, notified vide G.S.R NO. 721(E) dated 25th July, 2016 regarding fixation Of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016 and to say the provisions governing such fixation Of pay have been clearly enunciated in the said Rules.
2. Accordingly in pursuance of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, appropriate necessary action to fix the pay of the employees covered thereunder in the revised pay structure needs to be carried out forthwith in accordance with the provisions contained therein. In order to facilitate a smooth and systematic fixation of pay, a proforma for the purpose (Statement of Fixation of Pay) is enclosed at Annexure. The statement of fixation of pay in revised pay structure as per CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 be prepared in triplicate and one copy thereof be placed in the Service Book of the employee concerned and another copy made available to the concerned accounting authorities [Chief Controller Of Accounts/Controller Of Accounts/Accounts Officer] for post-check.
3. The revised pay structure effective from 01.012016 includes the Dearness Allowance of 125% sanctioned from 01.01 2016 in the pre-revised pay structure. Thus, Dearness Allowance in the revised pay structure shall be zero from 01.01.2016. The rate and the date of effect of the first installment of Dearness Allowance in the revised pay structure shall be as per the orders to be issued in this behalf in future.
4. The decision on the revised rates and the date of effect of all Allowances (other than Dearness Allowance), based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission shall be notified subsequently and separately. Until then, all such Allowances shall continue to be reckoned and paid at the existing rates under the terms and conditions prevailing in the pre-revised pay structure as if the existing pay structure has not been revised under the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 issued on 25.072016
5. The contributions under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) shall Continue to be applicable under the existing rates until further orders,
6. The existing system on interest free advances for medical treatment, Travelling Allowance for family Of deceased, Travelling Allowance on tour or transfer and Leave Travel Concession shall continue as hitherto.
7. The arrears as accruing on account Of revised pay consequent upon fixation Of pay under CCS Rules. 2016 with effect from 01 012016 shall be paid in cash in one installment along with the payment Of salary for the month Of August, 2016, after making necessary adjustment on account of GPF and NPS, as applicable, in view of the revised pay. DDOs/PAOs shall ensure that action is taken simultaneously in regard to Government’s contribution towards enhanced subscription.
8. With a view to expediting the authorization and disbursement of arrears, it has been decided that the arrear claims may be paid without pre-check Of the fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay, However, the facilities to disburse arrears without pre-check of fixation of pay will not be available in respect of those Government servants who have relinquished service on account of dismissal, resignation, discharge, retirement etc. after the date Of implementation of the Pay Commission’s recommendations but before the preparation and drawl Of the arrears claims, as well as in respect of those employees who had expired prior to exercising their option for the drawal of pay in the revised scales.
9. The requirement of pre-check of pay fixation having been dispensed with, it is not unlikely that the arrears due in some cases may be computed incorrectly leading to overpayments that might have to be recovered subsequently. Therefore, the Drawing & Disbursing Officers should make it clear to the employees under their administrative control, while disbursing the arrears; that the payments are being made subject to adjustment from amounts that may be due to them subsequently should any discrepancies be noticed later. For this purpose, an undertaking as prescribed as per a “Form of Option” under Rule 6(2) of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 shall be obtained in writing from every employee at the time of exercising option under Rule 6(1) thereof,
10. In authorizing the arrears, Income Tax as due may also be deducted and credited to Government in accordance with the instructions on the subject.
11. On receipt of the necessary options, action for drawal and disbursement Of arrears should be completed immediately.
12. Hindi version will follow.
(R.K Chaturvedi)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Download : 7thCPC pay fixation and Payment of Arrears
Source :
Relaxing minimum qualifying service condition for promotion to HSG-II & HSG-I cadre
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
No. PF-2/2016 Dated: 27th, July 2016
All General Secretaries / NFPE Office Bearers,
All Circle Secretaries /Divisional and Branch Secretaries
All Central Trade Unions and independent Federations of Employees of different industries and services including Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers and National Federation of Postal Employees have decided to organize One day All India General Strike on 2nd September-2016 against the anti-people , anti worker policies and authoritarian attitude of the N.D.A. Government on the 12 Points Charter of Demands.
Being the affiliate of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, We endorse the decisions taken by National Secretariat of Confederation held on 24th July, 2016 at New Delhi. The Confederation Circular No. Conf/Sectt/2016 dated 26th July, 2016 is enclosed herewith for taking necessary action accordingly. The demands of Confederation and NFPE are also added as Part –B of Charter of Demands.
The Campaign Tour programme of All India Leaders of NFPE is enclosed.
All are requested to arrange campaign meetings as per programme of Confederation and NFPE. All Circle Secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions are also requested to launch Campaign Programme in their respective Circle to Mobilize maximum participation in 2nd Sept,2016 Strike.
Yours Comradely,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
2016 September 2nd General Strike 12 Point Charter of Demands of Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions submitted to government:
1. Urgent measures for containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Universal social security cover for all workers.
5. Minimum wage of not less than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation (for unskilled worker).
6. Assured enhanced pension not less than 3000 p.m for the entire working population (including unorganized sector workers).
7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/state public sector undertakings.
8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent/perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as that of regular workers for the same and similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund and increase in quantum of gratuity.
10.Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification of ILO conventions C-87 & C-98.
11.No FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors.
12.No unilateral amendment to labour laws.
1. Avoid delay in implementing the assurances given by Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30thJune 2016, especially increase in minimum pay a fitment formula. Implement the assurance in a time bound manner.
2. Settle issues raised by the NJCA, regarding modifications of the 7th CPC recommendations, submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015.
3. Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant Pension/Family Pension to all Central Government employees under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.
4. No privatization, outsourcing, contractorisation of Government functions.
5. (i) Treat Gramin Dak Sevaks as Civil Servants and extend all benefits on pay, pension and allownaces of departmental employees.
(ii) Regularise casual, contract, contingent and daily rated workers and grant equal pay and other benefits.
6. Fill up all vacant posts by special recruitment. Lift ban on creation of new posts.
7. Remove ceiling on compassionate appointments.
8. Extend benefit of Bonus Act amendment 2015 on enhancement of payment ceiling to the Adhoc bonus/PLB of Central Govt. employees with effect from the financial years 2014-15. Ensure payment of revised bonus before Pooja holidays.
9. Revive JCM functioning at all levels.
10. Implement Cadre restructuring in left out categories of Postal Department. i.e RMS,MMS,PA CO, SBCO & Postal Accounts etc..
11. Settle the problems related CBS, CIS & stop harassment and Trade Union victimization.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle invites the attention of Chief PMG, Odisha Circle regarding deviation in allotment of HSG-II posts under Cadre Resrtucturing
Trilochan Parida R.C.MishraPresident Circle Secretary
Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM
No.UN/AIPEU,Gr-C/Odisha/07-2016 Dated-25-07-2016.
Sri Tilak De, IPoS.
Chief Post Master General
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001
Sub- Gross deviation in allotment of HSG-II post in Odisha Circle while implementing Cadre Restructuring- 301 HSG-II posts allotted by Directorate was shown as 189 and request for immediate correction-reg.
Ref- Directorate letter No 25-04-/2012-P.E.I dated 27-05-2016.
CO letter No EST 1-2/Rlg/2016-Corr dated 20-07-2016.
Respected Sir,
We are surprised to see the CO Letter under reference, showing 189 number of HSG-II posts in total in Odisha circle while distributing the same posts among the divisions. The Directorate vide letter under reference has allotted 301 HSG-II posts to Odisha Circle and it has been noted shortage of 112 HSG-II posts as per the above CO letter.
On the circumstances, it is urge upon for immediate correction of above erroneous action and action also may kindly be taken for detail scrutinise of all the actions while implementation of Cadre Restructuring to avoid further complicacies in this regard.
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary
Copy to - All Circle Office bearers/ Divisional Secretaries
Source : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Chennai GPO may be first T.N. post bank
CHENNAI, July 25, 2016
New endeavour:The Postal Department is planning to offer banking services, particularly in rural areas. —Photo: V. Ganesan
Chennai General Post Office (GPO) is likely to be first post bank in the State to be launched early next year. The Department of Posts is planning to set up ‘India Post Payment Banks’ (IPPB) using the postal network to provide banking services to people.
Aimed at providing access to banking services to people particularly in rural areas, the IPPB will provide a range of services, including direct benefit transfers and facilitate various payments like old age pension and government subsidies. The vast network of post offices would be used to eventually even deliver the payment at the doorstep of customers. Officials of the postal department said such post banks would function as separate entity and function according to the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India.
Mervin Alexander, postmaster General (Chennai city region), said, “Payment banks will deal with money remittances of all kinds to people. This could be useful to people particularly in rural areas who have limited access to banks. But, it will not provide loans. However, savings schemes and deposits will remain under post offices at this point of time.” Earlier, core banking network solutions and postal ATMs were started as part of an initiative to provide banking services at post offices.
Net banking and mobile banking will be the next step towards reinventing the postal services according to the changing trend. The department has also announced a competition for logo design and tagline for the proposed IPPB. The tagline should not exceed eight words either in English or Hindi and the best entries will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs.25,000. The last date of submission is July 31.
Source :
Courtesy : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Ref: CONF/SECTT/2016 Dated – 26.07.2016
1) All National Secretariat Members (CHQ Office bearers)
2) General Secretaries of all state C-O-Cs
3) Chief Executives of all affiliated organisations
4) All Women sub-committee members
The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, met on 24.07.2016 at New Delhi under the presidentship of Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President. The following important decisions are taken.
The Joint platform of Central Trade Unions (CTUs) of the Country along with Independent National Federations of employees of different industries and services including Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers, have decided to organize All India General Strike on 2nd September 2016, against the anti-people, anti-workers policies and authoritarian attitude of the NDA Government. Intensive campaign and preparation to make the general strike a resounding historical success is going on in full swing throughout the country. The attitude of the NDA Government is profoundly negative and hugely challenging to the working class including Central Govt. employees. The issues in the Charter of demands submitted by the Trade Unions to the Govt. relate to basic interest of the country’s economy and also issues concerning the livelihood of the working people of both organized and unorganized sectors.
Govt. has not taken any meaningful step to curb price rise of essential commodities and to generate employment except making tall baseless claims. Govt. is mysteriously silent on the question of retrieving the black money stashed abroad and recovering lakhs of crores of rupees of bad debts of public sector banks. Whole range of social security measures are under severe attacks including the pension of post – 2004 entrants in Central Govt. Services. Govt. has launched atrocious attack of drastic cut in interest on small savings deposits. Totally ignoring the united opposition of the working class, the Govt. has been moving fast to demolish existing labour laws thereby empowering the employers with unfettered rights to “hire and fire” and stripping the workers and trade union of all their rights and protection provided in laws. Alongwith the peasantry and agri- labourers are also under severe attack. Attack on public sector has been pushed to unprecedented height with Govt. announcing mega strategic sale and also allowing unlimited FDI in strategic sectors like Railways, Defence and financial Sector as complimentary to the move of privatization and Public Private partnership etc. The anti-worker and authoritarian attitude of the Government is also nakedely reflected in their refusal to implement the consensus recommendations of 43rd, 44th and 45th Indian Labour Conference for formulations of minimum wages, equal wage and benefits of regular workers to the Contract workers.
The neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Govt. has landed the entire national economy in distress and decline affecting the working people the most.
Central Govt. Employees worst affected:
The policy offensives of the Govt. like downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, corporatization and privatization has affected the Central Govt. departments and employees in a worst manner. Ban on creation of new posts and non-filling up of about six lakhs vacant posts had increased the work load of the existing employees and adversely affected the efficiency of the services. The New Pension Scheme (NPS) implemented with affect from 01.01.2004, is nothing but a “No Pension Scheme”, as it is fully dependent on the vagaries of share market forces. The Govt. is not ready to grant civil servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and to regularize the services of causal, contingent and contract workers. The 5% ceiling on compassionate appointment is not yet removed. The bonus ceiling enhancement from Rs.3500/- to Rs. 7000/- is not made applicable to Central Govt. Employees. Govt. is not ready to modify the 7th CPC recommendations, which is worst ever made by any pay commissions. The assurance given to the staff side regarding enhancement minimum pay and fitment formula is yet to be implemented. All other retrograde recommendations like reduction in the percentage of HRA, abolition of 52 allowances etc. are yet to be modified. Overall the attitude of the Modi Govt. is totally negative towards the Central Govt. employees and pensioners.
The National Secretariat is of the firm opinion that unless the policy of the Govt. is changed, more attacks are likely to come on the Central Govt. employees and working class. To change the policy the united struggle of entire working class is required. It is in this background the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers has decided to join the General Strike along with other sections of the working class of our country.
The Confederation National Secretariat calls upon the entirety of Central Govt. employees to make intensive campaign and preparation for making the 2nd September 2016 strike a grand success. Along with the 12 Point charter of demands of the working class, the Confederation has decided to submit the demands pertaining to the Central Govt. employees also as Part-B of the Charter of demands to the Govt. The Chater of demands (Part A and B) is furnished below:
2016 September 2nd General Strike 12 Point Charter of Demands of Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions submitted to government:
1. Urgent measures for containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Universal social security cover for all workers.
5. Minimum wage of not less than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation (for unskilled worker).
6. Assured enhanced pension not less than 3000 p.m for the entire working population (including unorganized sector workers).
7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/state public sector undertakings.
8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent/perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as that of regular workers for the same and similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund and increase in quantum of gratuity.
10.Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification of ILO conventions C-87 and C-98.
11.No FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors.
12.No unilateral amendment to labour laws.
Demand of the Central Govt. Employees
1. Avoid delay in implementing the assurances given by Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30thJune 2016, especially increase in minimum pay a fitment formula. Implement the assurance in a time bound manner.
2. Settle issues raised by the NJCA, regarding modifications of the 7th CPC recommendations, submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015.
3. Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant Pension/Family Pension to all Central Government employees under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.
4. No privatization, outsourcing, contractorisation of Government functions.
5. (i) Treat Gramin Dak Sevaks as Civil Servants and extend all benefits on pay, pension and allownaces of departmental employees.
(ii) Regularise casual, contract, contingent and daily rated workers and grant equal pay and other benefits.
6. Fill up all vacant posts by special recruitment. Lift ban on creation of new posts.
7. Remove ceiling on compassionate appointments.
8. Extend benefit of Bonus Act amendment 2015 on enhancement of payment ceiling to the Adhoc bonus/PLB of Central Govt. employees with effect from the financial years 2014-15. Ensure payment of revised bonus before Pooja holidays.
9. Revive JCM functioning at all levels.
All affiliated organisations and C-O-Cs are requested to plan phased campaign programme during the month of August 2016 by conducting squad work, general body meetings, conventions, and printing and circulating notices, pamphlets and posters. Each affiliated organization should issue their own separate circulars and instructions to all their units endorsing the decision of the Confederation National Secretariat.
Serve Strike Notice on 12.08.2016
Strike notice should be served to all Departmental heads by the affiliated organisations on 12thAugust 2016. On that day demonstrations should be conducted in front of all offices and copy of the strike notice may be served to all lower authorities also. Confederation CHQ will also serve strike notice to Cabinet Secretary on 12th August 2016.
Campaign Programme
National Secretariat decided to organize campaign programme of National Secretariat members during August 2016 as follows:
Name of National Secretariat members
M. Krishnan, M. S. Raja
M. Krishnan, K. P. Rajagopal
M. Krishnan, Nageshwar Rao, T. Narasimhan, Durai Pandian
K. V. Jayaraj, T. Satyanarayana, Sommaiah N. Mani Achary.
Giriraj Singh. T. Satyanaryana, Venkatesh Subramanian
R. N. Parashar, T. K. R. Pillai, Yashvant Purohit
K. K. N. Kutty, R. P. Singh, M. S. Raja, Ashok B. Salunkhe
Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Giriraj Singh
Pijush Roy, R. N. Parashar
R. N. Parashar, Pijush Roy, Rupak Sarkar
Pijush Roy, Rupak Sarkar
Pijush Roy, R. Seethalakshmi
Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Giriraj Singh
K. K. N. Kutty, R. Seethalakshmi
M. S. Raja, Giriraj Singh
K. K. N. Kuty, P. Suresh
Arup Chatterjee, R. N. Parashar
R. N. Parashar, P. Suresh
K. K. N. Kutty, Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Giriraj Singh, R. N. Parashar, Ashok Kanojia
| |
M. Krishnan, Nilesh D. Nazare
R. N. Parashar, K. K. N. Kutty
| |
R. N. Parashar, M. S. Raja
The National Secretariat conducted a detailed review of the July 11th deferred indefinite strike and took the following decisions:
1. In order to ensure that the assurances given by the Group of Ministers to the NJCA leaders especially regarding enhancement of minimum wage and fitment formula, the unity of the NJCA should be kept intact.
2. If the Govt. adopt delaying tactics in appointment of High level committee, then agitational programmes should be announced by NJCA to compel the Govt. to honour the commitment within the time frame. In any case, the National Conference of Confederation shall announce the agitational programmes either jointly with NJCA or independently by Confederation if the Govt. fails to expedite action to honour the commitment.
3. If the Govt. is not ready to honour the commitment within the time frame, Confederation shall go on strike, either jointly under the banner of NJCA or independently.
On 25.07.2016, the Govt has issued notification for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations, as approved by the Union Cabinet on 29th June 2016. Revised Pay Rules are also notified. NJCA has decided to write to the Home Minister and Finance Minister to expedite action for constitution of High Level Committee, as assured by Group of Ministers.
The National Secretariat reviewed the preparations for the 25th National Conference to be held at Chennai from 16th to 18th August 2016. The inaugural session will be held on 16.08.2016 at 10 AM. Com. A. K. Padmanabhan, National President, CITU will inaugurate. Com. Shiv Gopal Misra, General Secretary, AIRF & Convenor NJCA, Dr. N. Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR & Chairman, NJCA, Com. C. Sreekumar, Secretary General, AIDEF and member NJCA, Com. A. Sreekumar, General Secretary, All India State Govt. Employees Federation, Com. P. Abhumanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, Com. S. Mohan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Gazetted officers organisations, Com. K. Ragahavendran, Deputy Secretary General, NCCPA etc. will address the inaugural session. All India Women’s Convention will be held on 17th August at 10:00 AM. Dr. Vasanthi Devi, former Vice Chancellor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli & Former Chairperson Women’s Commission, Tamilnadu will inaugurate the Womens’s conventions. The venue of the Conference is “Dharmaprakash Kalyana Mandapam”, No. 10, Raja Annamalai Road (Opp: to Dashprakash Poonamallee Purasawalkam) Chennai – 600084.
Contact Numbers of Reception Committee:
1. Com. J. Ramamurthy, Chairman C-O-C - 09843370580
2. Com. M. Durain Pandian, General Secretary, C-O-C - 09789833522
3. Com. S. Sundaramurthy, Financial Secretary - 09445955554
4. Com. R. B. Suresh, Accommodation - 09444074470
5. Com. M. S. Vengatesan, Souvenir - 09445955553
6. Com. A. Balasundaram, Souvenir - 09080791266
7. Com. Samraj - 09940061291
8. Com. Kannan, P4 - 08903515285
As the Diamond Jubilee Year National Conference is being organized in a grand manner by the C-O-C Tamilnadu alongwith the National Women’s Convention and as Chennai is a metropolitian city, the overall expenditure will come to 25 to 30 lakhs. The Receiption Committee is finding it difficult to mobilise the finance for the Conference. It is once again requested to all affiliated organisations and C-OCs to collect maximum advertisements and sent it to the Reception Committee immediately.
Inform the Number of delegates/visitors and Women comrades attending the conference on or before 05.08.2016.
All affiliated organisations and C-O-Cs are requested to intimate the number of delegates/visitors attending the National Conference and also their arrival particulars (travel details) to Reception committee by e-mail or over phone without fail. The information should be given on or before 05.08.2016.
Phone Numbers see above
Fraternally yours,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: -09447068125, 09968898009
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