Saturday, December 16, 2017
Sunday, December 3, 2017
N F P E, Odisha Circular on forthcoming agitational programmes
No. NFPE – ODI / Corr / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 27th October, 2017
All the Divisional Secretaries / Circle Union Office bearers of NFPE Unions in Odisha
All the Divisional Secretaries / Circle Union Office bearers of AIPEU, GDS, Odisha
Sub.- Forthcoming agitational programmes by NFPE
Ref.- NFPE Circular No.PF-01(a)/2017, dated: 10th November, 2017
Dear Comrades,
This is to intimate that NFPE, CHQ vide its Circular referred to above (Copy reproduced below for ready reference) has instructed for conducting the following agitational programmes.
1. Two days Relay hunger fast in front of all Divisional offices on 28th and 29th November 2017 (All Employees will wear Black Badges containing demands and will send resolution addressed to Prime – Minister.
2. Mass Dharna in front of all C.P.M.G offices on 20th December 2017.
3. 5 Days Relay Dharna in front of Parliament from 12th to 16th February 2018. (All Circles will participates in Dharna day wise).
4. After that Indefinite Strike will be declared.
In this context, all the Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions, Odisha Circle sat today in Bhubaneswar and took a unanimous decision for successful conductance of the above programmes.
As such, all the Divisional Secretaries are sincerely requested to conduct two days Relay hunger fast in front of all Divisional offices on 28th and 29th November 2017 and submit the proforma Resolution (produced below) to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.
Secondly, it was also decided to conduct the Circle level mass Dharna programme in front of Chief PMG Office, Bhubaneswar on 20th December, 2017 with participation of all the elected office bearers of each Divisional / Circle Union / Association (P-III, P-IV, R-III, R-IV, AIPAEA, AIPSBCOEA, AIPEU GDS etc.).
For the purpose, all the Divisional Secretaries of each Union are requested to inform the number of participants on the above Dharna Programme to their Circle Secretary by 10thDecember, 2017 for making suitable sitting arrangement including provision of lunch on the day.
For the 5 Day Relay Dharna Programme in front of Parliament, 15th February, 2018 has been fixed for Odisha Circle with participation of 75 members. It is our moral responsibility to participate enmasse to make the programme successful. Therefore, it is requested that required tickets may be booked in advance at least for 4 members from each Division to avoid last minute rush.
Lastly, we would like to request you to motivate all our members to rise to the occasion and organize the first phase agitational activity of relay hunger fast in front of all Divisional Offices on 28th and 29th November, 2017 wearing black badges and participate enmasse in the Circle level mass dharna programme on 20th December, 2017 and march to Parliament on 15th February, 2018
Expecting your wholehearted cooperation.
With Struggle Greetings.
Comradely yours,
Attached : As above
(Dusmanta Ku. Sethi)
Circle Secy, AIRMS & MMS EU, Gr.-C, Odisha Circle
(Debabrata Mohanty)
Circle Secy, AIPEU, Postmen & MTS, Odisha Circle & Convener
(Bruhaspati Samal)
Circle Secy, AIPEU, Group-C
Odisha Circle & Chairman
(Ashok Ku. Mohanty)
Circle Secy, AIRMS & MMS EU, MG & MTS, Odisha Circle
(Srikanta Mallick)
Circle Secy, AIPEBCOEA
Odisha Circle
(Kalinga Kumar Panda)
Circle Secy, AIPAEA
Odisha Circle
(N C Singh)
Circle Secy, AIPEU GDS
Odisha Circle
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981, website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com
No.PF-01(a)/2017 Dated: 10th November, 2017
All General Secretaries / NFPE Office Bearers
All Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions
Dear Comrades,
The Federal Secretariat meeting of NFPE with available General Secretaries and NFPE office bearers held at NFPE office North Avenue Post Office. Building New Delhi has reviewed the whole situation arisen out of so many policy offensive and attacks unleashed by the Government of India by the way of authorizing nationalized banks and private banks for doing business of National small savings schemes, making the IPPB (India Post Payment Bank) as a corporate entity proposal of closure of A.P.S appointment of out sourced Postal Delivery agents, cancellation of G.D.S membership verification Delay in implementation of GDS Committee Report, Amendment in Rectt. rules of P.A. non filling up of vacant posts in all cadres, non implementation of cadre restructuring proposals for other categories and non declaration of result of regular membership verification and so many other issues.
After a detailed and threadbare discussion the Federal Secretaries has reached to a conclusion that it is the need of hour to resist all these policy offensive and attacks by way of struggles and serious agitational programmes culminating in to indefinite strike.
The federal secretariat has decided the following programme of action to achieve the demands as mentioned in charter of demands.
1. Two days Relay hunger fast in front of all Divisional offices on 28th and 29th November 2017 (All Employees will wear Black Badges containing demands and will send resolution addressed to Prime – Minister.
2. Mass Dharna in front of All C.P.M.G offices on 20th December 2017.
3. 5 Days Relay Dharna in front of Parliament from 12th to 16th February 2018. (All Circles will participates in Dharna day wise).
4. After that Indefinite Strike will be declared.
1. Implementation of positive recommendations of Kamlesh Chandra Committee Report for GDS
2. Membership verification of GDS and declaration of result of regular membership verification.
3. Filling up of all vacant posts in all Cadres of Deptt of Post i.e P.A.S.A, Postmen, Mail guard, mailmen, MTS,MMS Drivers and artisans, P.A CO. P.A. SBCO, Postal Actts and GDS. Drop the move of amendment in P.A. S.A., P.A.CO & P.A. SBCO Recruitment Rules.
4. Implement CSI, and RICT only after providing all required infrastructure including band width and stop harassment , victimization in the name of new schemes, technology induction, under contributory negligence factor and trade union victimization.
5. Stop out sourcing privatization and Corporatization.
6. Payment of revised wages and arrears to the casual, part time, contingent and daily rated mazdoors as per 6th & 7th CPC and settle other issues of Casual Laboures.
7. Implement cadre restructuring for left out categories i.e. RMS, MMS, PACO, PASBCO Postmaster Cadre, Postal Actts etc and accept the modifications suggested by federation before implementation of cadre restructuring in Postal Group ‘C’.
8. Withdraw N.P.S (contributory Pension Scheme) Guarantee 50% of last pay drawn as minimum pension.
9. Implement 5 days week in Postal Operative offices.
10. Stop move of diversion of business of P.O SB Schemes to Banks (Nationalized and Private)
11. Stop move of closure of Army Postal Service.
12. Grant OSA and OTA to RMS staff and special allowances for P.O & R.M.S Accounts.
13. Finalization of Recruitment Rules of AAOS IN Postal Accounts with 40% S.C.F quota as approved by DOPT.
14. Status of Audit to SBCO.
15. Benefit of SDBS to retried GDS employees.
Yours Comradely,
(R N Parashar)
Secretary General
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Government of India,
New Delhi-110 003
Hon’ble Sir,
The Postal Employees are very much aggrieved and agitated due to the policy offensives and attacks unleashed on Postal Services and Postal Employees. The genuine demands of Postal, RMS and GDS employees are not being settled by the Postal Administration.
Being aggrieved we the Postal Employees _____________________ (Name of Division & Circle) have conducted 2 days relay hunger fast on 28th & 29th November -2017 for settlement of 15 points charter of demands (Copy enclosed).
We on behalf of entire Postal employees request you to kindly bestow your personal attention on the problems of Postal employees and cause suitable action to settle those problems.
With regards.
Yours Sincerely,
Signature of all Divisional Secretaries
Andhra Pradesh
(1) All NFPE Unions Circle Secretaries should convene meetings and allot quota to each union and book the tickets to and fro journey in advance to avoid inconvenience.
(ii) All General Secretaries /NFPE Office bearers and All India leaders of All NFPE unions will remain present all the days. Respective CHQ will make their arrangements for stay.
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Himachal Pradesh
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North East
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Madhya Pradesh
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Source : AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Saturday, September 30, 2017
100% Aadhaar linking of GPF, PPF & EPF by Dec, 2017 and using Aadhaar for portability: Decision of Cabinet Secretariat Meeting

100% Aadhaar linking of GPF, PPF & EPF by Dec, 2017 and using Aadhaar for portability: Decision of Cabinet Secretariat Meeting
100% Aadhaar linking of GPF, PPF & EPF by Dec, 2017 and using Aadhaar for portability: Decision of Cabinet Secretariat Meeting
No. D-11011/36/2016- DBT (Cab.)
Govt. of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission
Subject: Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EFF) accounts regarding.
A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat on 25th August, 2017 at 11:00 A.M in the Conference Hall, 4th floor, Shjvaji Stadium Annexe Building, Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi on the subject mentioned above. The list of participants isplaced at Annexure I.
2. Joint Secretary, DBT Mission welcomed the participants and stated that the objective of the meeting is to deliberate on Aadhaar linking of GPF, PPF and EPF accounts of employees, examine the possibility of a centralised repository of employees" fund details with Aadhaar as the primary identifier and establishing portability of fund accounts across organisations. He requested all stakeholders to share comments and suggestions in this regard.
3. Deputy CGA, Govt. Banking Arrangements, D/o Expenditure informed that an on-line salary application system, Employee Information System (EIS) is being developed within PF MS for implementation in all Drawing and Disbursing Offices (DDOS) and Pay Accounts Offices (PAOS) of Central Ministries. EIS is envisaged to be a central repository of details of all salaried employees, and it can also maintain details of GPF of government employees. He fiirther stated that at present, Aadhaar number is not a mandatory field in employee information records, due to which Aadhaar seeding may be low. it was discussed that if the employee data on E13 are linked with Aad’naar, it may serve the purpose of establishing interoperability of salary and GPF accounts across DDOs. It was highlighted that Railways and Defence departments are not covered under £18. An example of e-Samarth was cited, which is a centralised database of CRPP (Central Reserve Police Force) in MHA, which may be studied for this purpose. Dy CGA also mentioned that M/o Railways and Defence may also be consulted in this context.
4. Senior Audit Officer, Office of Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) of India, Delhi stated that at present, State AG (Auditor General) offices assign new GPF numbers to employees while moving across different FAQs and there is no centralized mapping system with Aadhaar as the primary identifier. JS. DBT Mission requested that the matter may be taken up with the Office of C&AG, with the concerned Dy C&AG to examine the possibility of mapping all State GPF subscribers across the country. It was suggested that the role of a third party such as NSDL to create and maintain this database may also be examined.
5. Assistant Director, D/o Posts stated that that presently, around 25 lakh PPF accounts out of 27.2 lakh accounts are on Core Banking Solution (CBS) network and these accounts are portable across Post Offices. It was informed that every PPF account is associated with a PPF number and a Customer Identification Form (CIF) number, which is a unique number that holds all personal as well as account related information of the customer. ideally, a customer can have one CIF number in one post office. though the customer can have multiple accounts under these numbers. It was further informed that Aadhaar linking with individual accounts and CIF numbers is being undertaken and 4.7 crore ClFs out of total 56 crore CIFs (which also include savings certificates, term deposit accounts, etc) have been seeded with Aadhaar. JS, DBT pointed out that Aadhaar seeding is very low in this case, and the Department may undertake necessary actions to expedite the same to achieve 100% seeding by December 31, 2017. It was further suggested that all PPF accounts and CIF numbers may be linked with Aadhaar and the Department may share its suggestions on establishing a common repository of all PPF accounts using Aadhaar as the identifier.
6. Deputy Director, M/o Labour & Employment stated the Universal Account Number (UAN) provides portability for the employees covered under EPF. It was informed that 14 crore out of 4 crore active subscribers’ records have been seeded with Aadhaar. It was discussed that this will enable portability of EPF accounts when the details of Bank Account, Aadhaar and PAN are seeded in UAN database of the employees and are verified by employer on change of job. It was suggested that Aadhaar seeding of all may be taken up priority.
7. Deputy Secretary, Budget, D/o Economic Affairs stated that a host of small saving schemes including PPF are Operated by post offices, public sector banks and select private secror banks and Aadhaar seeding is being undertaken in all these accounts. JS, DBT Mission enquired if the. Department is taking any initiative to have a centralised platform for all savings schemes, given that all banks use different systems and Operate in silos. It was discussed that the Department may examine the matter and share updates in this regard.
8. After detailed deliberations, the following were agreed upon.
i. All stakeholder Departments to ensure 100% Aadhaar seeding of GPF, PPF and EPF accounts by December 31, 2017.
ii. All Departments to examine the possibility of developing common platforms for their respective service subscribers/employees/account holders using Aadhaar as the unique identifier to ensure portability across the financial system.
iii. DBT Mission to hold a review meeting with senior officers of all stakeholder Departments in the second week of September. 2017 to discuss the issue further.
List of Participants
1. Shri Peeyush Kumar, Joint Secretary, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat-in Chair
2. Shri Amn Shanna, Director, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat
3. Shri Neeraj Kumar Sharma, Deputy CGA, Govt. Banking Arrangements. D/o Expenditure
4. Ms. AnjanaVashishtha, Deputy Secretary, D/o Economic Affairs
5. Shri Dinesh Dharni, Deputy Director, M/o Labour & Employment
6. Shri Vijay Kumar Kanojia, Senior Audit Officer, Office of Comptroller & Auditor General of India
7. Dr.Ajinkya Kale, Assistant Director General, D/o Posts
8. Ms Disha Pannu, Assistant Director General, D/o Posts
9. Ms.Tulsipriya Rajkumari, Assistant Director, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat
10. Ms. Jaya Kurnari, Assistant Audit Officer, Office of Comptroller & Auditor General of India
11. Shri Kamlesh, Assistant Audit Officer, Office of Comptroller & Auditor General of India
No. D-11011/36/2016-DBT (Cab.)
Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission
4th Floor, Shivaji Stadium Annexe
Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi- 110001
Dated: 29th August, 2017
Subject: Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) accounts-regarding.
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of record of discussion of the meeting held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat on 25.08.2017 at 11.00 AM on the subject mentioned above for information and further necessary action, please.
(Tulsipriya Rajkumari)
Assistant Director
DBT Mission
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
(Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110066
Date: 22.09.2017
All ACCs (Zones) including ACC (ASD),
All RPFC-I/ RPFC 11 (Regional Offices),
Sub:- Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) -regarding.
Please find enclosed herewith a letter No.D-11011/36/2016-DBT (Cab.) dated 29.08.2017 received from Assistant Director, Cabinet Secretariat, DBT Mission forwarding therewith record of discussions of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission on 25.08.2017, wherein it has been directed that all the Departments should ensure 100% of Aadhaar seeding by December 31,2017.
2. It is requested to implement the instructions issued by the Cabinet Secretariat, DBT Mission, New Delhi for seeding of Aadhaar by December 31, 2017.
[This issues with the approval of ACC-II (CAIU)].
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above
(A.K. Mandal)
Regional P. F. Commissioner-I(CAIU)
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