Thursday, August 29, 2013


It is reported that PFRDA Bill will be take up in Parliament for discussion and adoption on 2nd September. Confederation National Secretariat once again calls upon all Central Government Employees to organize 2 hour walkout and nationwide protest demonstration on the day if bill is taken up or on the next day if information received late.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General



It seems that the Post Bank of India (PBI) may become a reality in the near future. For the last more than fifteen years we have been told about the Post Bank and even the Parliamentary standing committee on Communications & IT has repeatedly demanded the Government for commencing Post bank. Several attempts have been made, but the Finance Ministry always took a negative stand, for one reason or the other. Majority of the bank managements including nationalized banks have been opposing the entry of the Postal department into commercial banking. The reason is obvious. They foresee a potential threat to their existence once Post Bank enters into their field and during the course of time the Post Bank may become one of the biggest Bank.

Post Bank of India will be an independent entity, separate from the current operations of small savings schemes being carried out by the Department of Posts on behalf of Ministry of Finance. Department has accordingly submitted an application to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 28.06.2013 seeking banking license subject to necessary cabinet approval. RBI has said that new banks will have to set up at least three branches in villages with a population of less than 10000, for each branch they establish in other areas. Although Post Bank does not intend to open a bank in every Post office, the plan is to meet the financial inclusion goal through these Post offices. India Post had 1,54,822 Post offices across the country as on 31.03.2013, the largest for any department in the world, and close to 90% of them – 1,39,086 – are in rural India. This is more than four times the number of rural branches run by India’s Banks put together. According to plan prepared by Ernst & Young, India Post will become Post Bank of India’s banking correspondent. PBI will use Post office infrastructure but very frugally. Carefully done PBI can be a game – changer in rural areas.

India post is among 26 applicants that sought banking licenses from RBI. India Post has to develop the standards to meet RBI guidelines. In its guidelines for new banking licenses announced on 22nd February 2013, RBI required applicants to prove their eligibility on several fronts – from promoter holding to past experience to business plans. The minimum capital required by the applicants for license is Rs. 500 crores and foreign share holding in the new banks is capped at 49% for the first five years. The new banks have to be set up under a non-operative Financial Holding company (NOFHC). They also have to maintain minimum capital adequacy ratio – the ratio of risk weighed assets, a measure of financial strength of the bank – of 19 % for the first three years. New banks also need to list their shares within three years of starting operations.

The main argument put forward by those opposing the Post Bank is that Postal department has no experience when it comes to giving credit (loans). Department has only been taking deposits till now. Sanctioning and disbursing of credit needs an entirely different aptitude. India Post has no specialized experience in the business. It is reported that unlike many believe, the Post Bank of India will be a completely new entity with no legacies of a government department and very little to do with its parent department, except using some of its network. It will have an independent Board. Separate recruitment has been planned to have specialised banking staff. Of course, the Post Bank will be a subsidiary organisation of India Post, which need to be registered as a public sector Bank and Government equity in this new entity could be diluted. Whatever reforms and regulations Government implements in Nationalised Banking sector will be fully applicable to Post Bank of India also.

There are many talented and qualified Postal employees who want to switch over to the Post bank and to work as employees under the Post Bank. The reports that separate recruitment will be made for the Post Bank has cast shadow upon their hope to work in the Post Bank. NFPE demands that the existing Postal employees who want to switch over to the Post Bank shall be given chance to exercise option and if need be a trade test to assess their capability can also be conducted before selection. Selected officials can be imparted with intensive training in commercial banking business. In any case 100% open market direct recruitment is an injustice to those talented Postal employees who may not be able to apply for open recruitment due to age factor etc. we urge upon the Postal Board and Finance Ministry to give due consideration to this aspect, before the new Bank is rolled out.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Work shop on PLI/RPLI of Sambalpur Region

A workshop on PLI/RPLI was held at Dist. Auditorium, Sambalpur on 24.08.2013. The workshop was inaugurated by Hon'ble PMG, Shri P.K.Bisoi with all other dignitaries with Maa Samaleswari Bandana. Shri S.P.Rajalingam, PMG, Berhampur Region, Shri S.K.Mahapatra, DDM(PLI), BBSR, Shri D.Rana, ADPS, Shri B.D.Pradhan, ADPS and Shri S.P.Behera, IP, Saro have explained the strategy of procuring business of PLI and RPLI. Shri J.Panda, Hon'ble CPMG, Odisha Circle addressed the function with an eloquent speech.
     Shri Rajendra Dash, IP, Anandapur, Shri Basanta Ku. Patra, IP, Ghatagaon and Shri Biswanath Jena, IP, Keonjhar (West) were rewarded for their outstanding performance in procurement of business in respect of their Sub Division concerned.
The following slogan was recited by Shri Sanjay Ku. Mahapatra, DDP (PLI), BBSR and echoed by the participants marvelously.

== Paribare ame pariba
     March masa puru na puru
    Laksha hasala kariba ==

Address by Sri K.Behera, SPOs, Keonjhar
Sri Basanta Ku. Patra, IP, Ghatgaon receiving the prize
Sri Rajendra Dash, IP, Anandapur receiving the prize
Sri Biswanath jena, IP, Keonjhar (West) receiving the prize
Sri K. Behera, SPOs, Keonjhar
Sri P.K.Bisoi, Hon'ble PMG, Sambalpur
Sri J. Panda,Hon'ble CPMG,Odisha

Shri Tilak De (IPoS - 1983 ) joined as Chief PMG, Odisha Circle

In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate's Order No. 1 - 16 / 2013 - SPG, dated 27.08.2013, Shri Tilak De (IPoS-1983) joined today as CPMG, Odisha Circle against the vacant post.

The members of All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C, Keonjhar Divisional Branch extends a hearty welcome to their new Chief PMG and  hope that he will look after the welfare of the employees of Odisha Circle at large


Agenda for next meeting of the JCM National Council has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with DOP&T Twelve demands raised by Confederation in the charter of demands are included. (including GDS employees demand) Next meeting of National Council JCM is expected by the end of October 2013.

The letter give by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, JCM (NC) and the 12 demands included in the agenda are given below:

M. Krishnan

Secretary General

RPLI Mela on 17.08.2013

The Rural Postal Life Insurance Mela among the Branch Post Masters of Keonjhar Postal Division was held under the Chairmanship of SRI KRUTARTHA BEHERA, Superintendent of Post Offices, Keonjhar Division at TOWN HALL, Keonjhar on 17.08.2013(Saturday). Sri K.S.Giri, Retd Superintendent of Post Offices, Aska Division was the Chief Guest and addressed the meeting regarding the procurement of the Rural Postal Life Insurance.  Sri B.M. Dasmohapatra, Assistant Superintendent; Sri Biswanath Jena, Assistant Superintendent and Sri Rajendra Prasad Das, Inspector of Post (Anandapur Sub- Division) also addressed the meeting. Sri Sudiptabhanu Hota, System Administrator, Keonjhargarh Head Post office explained the Computerised work culture. Sri Biswanath Pratap Sahoo, Business Executive, Keonjhar Postal Division co-ordinated the total function. 2547 numbers of policies of Sum Assured of Rs.16, 37, 55,000 were collected at the spot.
Sri B.P.Sahoo, Business Executive & Sri S.B.Hota, System Administrator

Sri B.M.Mahapatra, ASPOs(HQ) addressing the participants

Sri K.Behera, SPOs delivering the prizes

Friday, August 23, 2013


Payment of arrears to the substitutes of Gramin Dak Sevaks who worked in leave vacancies from 01-01-2006 to 09-10-2009.


Ref :No.6-1/2009-PE.I, Dated : 30-05-2012

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Dak Bhawan,
Parliament Street
No.6-1/2009-PE.I Dated : 30-05-2012
All Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
Sub:- Payment of arrears to the substitutes of Gramin Dak Sevaks who worked in leave vacancies from 01-01-2006 to 09-10-2009.
Consequent upon the implementation of One Man Committee recommendations, the matter regarding payment of arrears to the substitutes of Gramin Dak Sevaks who worked in leave vacancies from 01-01-2006 has been reviewed.
2. It has now been decided that the arrears of allowances of the substitutes of Gamin Dak Sevaks who worked in leave vacancies from 01-01-2006 to 09-10-2009 may be paid on the basis of minimum of TRCA.
3. The amount of arrears admissible as per extent rules may be paid to the genuine substitute. There should not be any double payment. Before making payment, the DDo or paying authority should take very precaution in this regard.
4. Necessary provision in budget should be made at appropriate stage and availability of funds will have to be ensured before incurring the proposed expenditure.
5. The actual expenditure incurred may be informed to this office immediately after payment of arrears.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Internal Finance Advice (Postal) vide their Dy. No.150/FA/12/CS dated 30-05-2012.
Asst. Director General (Establishment)
Copy to :-
(1) Director, RAK NPA, Ghaziabad.
(2) All Postal Accounts Office
(3) All Directors, Postal Training Centres
(4) All Recognized Unions/Associations/Federations
(5) Guard File.
Ref : .No.17-115/2001 - GDS, dated 21-10-2002 (copy of the order)
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No.17-115/2001 - GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated : October 21, 2002
All Principle / Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
Director, Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad
Directors, All Postal Training Centres
All Directors, Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Addl. Director General, APS, Army Head Quarters, R.K.Puram, New Delhi
Sub:- Guidelines for regulating substitute / provisional arrangements made in place of regular Gramin Dak Sevaks.
References are received from Circles for regularizing the employment of substitutes provided by regular GDSs during their periods of leave/absence on the ground that they have been functioning in that capacity “for a longer period”. A number of cases also stand filed in the Tribunals and Courts on this issue. Apparently instructions issued from time to time are not followed rationally by competent authorities in allowing substitutes to continue indefinitely or for long periods.
2. In this context, I am directed to draw your attention to the DG (Posts)’s instructions given below Rule 5 of the P&T ED agents (Conduct & Services) Rules, 1964 corresponding to Rule 7 of the Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct& Employment) Rules, 2001 which, inter alia, stipulate the following.
“During leave, every GDS should arrange for his work being carried on by a substitute who should be a person approved by the authority competent to sanction leave to him. Such approval should be obtained in writing” and that:
“It is necessary for the appointing authority to ensure that such a substitute is not allowed to work indefinitely. If the absence from duty of the regular GDS likely to last indefinitely, the appointing authority should take immediate steps to make appointment and the person so appointed need not necessarily be the substitute.
3. Instructions issued vide, this office letter No. 18-37/92-ED & TRG, dated 25/11 enjoined all Divisional Heads to ensure that long leave beyond 180 days is not granted to GDS as a matter of routine to avoid substitutes continuing in place of regular incumbents for long periods.
4. Subsequently, vide letter No. 19-6/2000-ED & TRG, dated 29-12-2000, the decision of the large bench of CAT Bangalore on the issue of whether weightage should be given to persons who have rendered past employment on provisional basis or in the capacity of substitute or GDS, was circulated. Recently, vide letter dated 19.02.2002 the judgment of the larger bench of CAT Bangalore mentioned above, has also been circulated. The said judgment clearly reiterates the position that the substitutes have not legal right as far as regularization in the Department is concerned. It also takes note that the Department’s Recruitment Rules for Gramin Dak Sevaks do not provide for recognization of past service that may have been rendered by them against any post.
5. In the case of Deviks Guha v/s Union of India, the Supreme Court has also not recognized the right of the substitutes for regularization. On the other hand the Apex court has maintained that substitutes have no legal claim in the basis of having worked continuously and if there are cases where the substitutes have worked for a “longer period” it is for the Department to consider the same as to whether there was a proper case for absorption or not, and pass appropriate orders.
6. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Law. Since the Apex Court has hold that substitutes have not legal claim there can be no definition of the term “longer period” as absorption of substitutes per se on regular vacancies without following prescribed procedures of recruitment could lead to nepotism.
7. Thus, it has become necessary to review and reiterate the existing guidelines relating to “substitute” arrangement of GDSs. This would also involve clarification of the status of the substitute, who is provided at the risk and responsibility of the regular incumbent, vis-a-vis provisional appointees, who are appointed by the Department to meet an interim need.
8. As per extent orders, a regular GDS is required to provide a substitute at his own risk and responsibility but subject to approved by the appointing authority. Hence it is the duty of the appointing authority to ensure that any ineligible person is not approved as a substitute and any “substitute” arrangement is not allowed to continue for long periods. Accordingly, the following guidelines may inevitably be kept in view while dealing with matters relating to “substitute arrangements” or their continuance”.
(i) Before resorting of substitute arrangement the following options may be explored:
(a) In case of short-term arrangements, as far as possible, work will be managed, by combining duties and “substitutes” will not be provided in leave arrangements. In single handed BOs, the work shall be managed by giving combined duty to GDS Mail Deliver/Mail Carrier (Gramin Dak Vitaraka/Vahak) of the neighbouring BO/SO in whose beat the BO falls.
(b) Even in long term arrangements, the combination of duties as in a) above will restricted to; substitutes will be allowed only if work load of the BO as well as its financial position justifies which engagement or filling of the post on regular basis.
(c) In towns and cities, where departmental officials are also available in the same office, the possibility of managing the work by regular staff by combination of duties or by grant of OTA beyond normal working hours may be explored.
(ii) If substitute arrangement is found to be unavoidable then it should be ensured that
(a) No substitute will be allowed to take over charge unless the competent leave-sanctioning/appointing authority is fully satisfied that the substitute possesses all the qualification prescribed for that appointment and has been provided under the risk and responsibility of the regular incumbent.
(b) Drawing& Disbursing authorities shall not draw allowance of a substitute unless the claim is accompanied by a certificate from the competent authority about the possession of requisite qualification by the substitutes and their approval for making continuing the arrangement.
(c) Continuation of substitute arrangements beyond 180 days at a stretch may only be allowed by the authority next higher to the appointing authority and only in exceptional cases where action has been initiated for regular appointment, if justified by work load and financial norms.
(d) No substitute arrangement shall continue beyond one year. Hence regular/alternative arrangements must be made during the period beyond 180 days to ensure this. If for any unavoidable reasons a substitute arrangement is required to be continued beyond one year, specific approval of the Head of Circle will be necessary for reasons to be recorded by the concerned authority.
9. In the case of provisional appointments, it is clarified that such appointment should be resorted to only in case where the GDS is unable, quite unexpectedly, to undertake his duties due to his own action (unauthorized absence, fraud, misappropriation etc.). Due to circumstances beyond his control like sudden serious illness/accident/death or because the department does not want him/her to continue (due to reasons of misconduct/dismissal/removal/put off duty etc.) in all other cases, action should be taken well in advance to fill the post on a regular basis. Even where the post falls vacant unexpectedly, efforts should be made to manage the work through combination of duties as spelt out in Para 8 (i) (a) & (c). Similarly even in case of long term deputation of GDS to APS, action may be taken to full up the post on regular basis and the GDS, on return from deputation may be suitably adjusted against vacancies in existence at that given time.
10. Where provisional appointment becomes unavoidable, action may be initiated to all the posts following all the formalities prescribed for regular appointment, but clearly stipulating that the appointment is on a provisional basis. On no account should a provisional appointment be made without following every formality that is prescribed for regular appointment. Since the whole process will take a period not exceeding 60-90 days, stop gap arrangement may preferably made at the local level in the interim through combination of duties or by allowing the GDS from a neighbouring office to function, or by deploying a Mail Overseer to look after the work. Under no circumstances should such local arrangement exceed 90 days, approval of the next higher authority is to be taken on a one time basis for reasons to be recorded in writing.
11. In cases where the incumbent dies in harness there is no objection to a dependent being allowed to function on interim basis provided the dependent fulfills the qualification/relaxed qualification applicable for post fallen vacant? This may only be resorted to if arrangement by combination of duties is not feasible. However, in such case also such interim appointment should not exceed one year and every effort should be made to take a final view within that time frame. It also needs to be clearly stipulated that such provisional appointment does not entitle the dependent to claim for the post unless his/her case for compassionate appointment is approved by the Circle Relaxation Committee.
12. The extent provisions provide for a provisional appointee to be placed on a waiting list for being considered for a regular appointment after he/she has completed three years of continuous employment. To avoid prolongation of such provisional appointments, approval of the next higher authority should be taken in respect of all provisional appointment exceeding 180 and where the period exceeds one year express approval of the Head of the Region/circle, as the case may be, would be necessary. Where the regular incumbent is not reinstated, immediate action must be taken to regularize the regularly selected provisional appointee against the said post without resorting to fresh recruitment.
13. The above instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all appointing authorities of GDSs for strict compliance. Any violation of the above instructions will be viewed seriously and action would be required to be taken against officials who allow substitute/provisional arrangements to continue beyond the prescribed limits in contravention of the above instruction.
14. If any previous instructions on the issues of ‘substitute’ and‘provisional appointment’ are found contrary to these provisions, the same will stand superseded by the latter.
15. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged to the undersigned.
16. Hindi version is enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
(Anad Prakash)
Assistant Director General (GDS)
Copy to :
(i) SPB I/SPB II/Vig./Vig. Petition/PAP/PE I/PE II sections of the Directorate.
(ii) All Recognized Unions / Federations
(iii) DDG (PAF) / PA Wing / DDG (M&TS)
(iv) All Dealing Assistants in the GDS section
(v) Spare / Guard file.

Pilot project with M/s Amazon for Speed Post Cash on Delivery service

Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Business Development & Marketing Directorate
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001
(except) Andhra Pradesh Circle, Karnataka Circle, Kerala Circle
& Tamil Nadu Circle

No: 59-04/2011-BD&MD (Vol – II) Dated 13.08.2013

Sub: Pilot project with M/s Amazon for Speed Post Cash on Delivery service

This is regarding Pilot project with M/s Amazon for Speed Post Cash on Delivery service.

2. The two round of testing of Speed Post Cash on Delivery has been done at the identified Post Offices in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Circles. The service is now to be extended to rest of the Circles in identified Post Offices in consultation with Circles.

3. A priority list of Districts/HOs/Division for expansion of Speed Post Cash on Delivery is attached herewith as per Annexure A. At least two Post Offices in each circle have to be identified for Speed Post Cash on Delivery testing. It is requested to identity two Post Offices and get ready the identified Post Office by 31.08.2013 for handling of Speed Post Cash on Delivery articles.

3. In this regard, it has been decided to start testing between Dandekarwadi PO, Maharashtra Circle and the identified Post Offices. Live testing necessitates booking of dummy transactions to the other testing offices. The amount incurred for booking of the SPCOD article and the amount collected after delivery of the dummy articles have to be charged under UCR/UCP respectively in the Post Offices. It is also requested to permit the above mentioned offices of your circle to carry out the live testing.In case of any technical issue CEPT Mysore may be contacted.

4. Further, matrix report of Speed Post Cash on delivery article booked for the Circle during the month of July – 2013 is attached herewith for reference. The following issues need to be looked into:-

i. Speed Post operation – Needs to be streamlined in view of significant number of customer service related issues e.g. to expedite on complaint resolution
ii. It is requested to instruct delivery POs to put appropriate scans for in-transit, delivery attempted, delivered and return status. Kerala, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Punjab have the highest instances of poor scan compliance.
iii. It is also requested to sensitize delivery POs about business relations with Amazon and generate awareness about AW and AC series allotted to M/s Amazon for SP and SPCOD respectively.

(Smita Kumar)
General Manager (P&L)
Copy to:

1. The General Manager (CPET), PTC Mysore Campus, Mysore – 570 010
2. Sh. C M Varghese, M/s Amazon Seller Services Pvt Ltd. World Trade Center Bangalore, Brigade Gateway Campus Dr. Rajkumar Road, Malleshwaram West, Bangalore – 560055.

S No
List of Priority Districts/HOs/Divisionsfor SPCOD Pilot Phase 2
(At least 2 POs in a Circle to be SPCOD ready by 01 Sep 13)
< !--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->
< !--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->
Thane (Dandekarwadi), Aurangabad, Pune, Nagpur, Raigarh, Ratnagiri, Ahmednagar, Kolhapur.
< !--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->
Ajmer, Kota, Jaipur, Jalor, Chittorgarh, Jodhpur
< !--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->
Bolangir, Mayurbhanj, Kandhamal, Bargarh, Sundergarh, Koraput, Kalahandi, Kendrapara, Rayagada
< !--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->
Rohtak, Ambala, Mahendragarh
< !--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->
West Bengal
Rongat SO of Andman& Nicobar (UT), South 24 Parganas, Bardhaman, Bankura, North 24 Parganas, Birbhum, Nadia, West Midnapore
< !--[if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->
Jammu & Kashmir
Jammu, Kathua, Reasi
< !--[if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->
Raipur, Bilaspur (Cgh), Dantewada,Kawardha
< !--[if !supportLists]-->9. <!--[endif]-->
Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal, Harda, Khargone, Raisen, Ratlam, Dhar, Gwalior, Anuppur, Barwani, East Nimar, Hoshangabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jhabua, Narsinghpur, Sagar, Shahdol, Shivpuri
< !--[if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->
Godda, Gumla, Seraikela-Kharsawan, Ranchi, Dhanbad, Bokaro
< !--[if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->
Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow,Bagpat, Deoria, Jaunpur, Pilibhit, Sultanpur, Chandauli, Etah, Ambedkar Nagar, Azamgarh, Bahraich, Ballia, Budaun, Etawah, Ghaziabad, Gonda, Lalitpur, Mathura, Muzaffarnagar, Rampur, Varanasi, Bijnor
< !--[if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->
Saharanpur, Nainital, Dehradun, PauriGarhwal
< !--[if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]-->
Rohtas, Nalanda, Muzaffarpur, Sitamarhi, Darbhanga, Patna
< !--[if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->
Himachal Pradesh
Shimla, Mandi, Kullu, Bilaspur (HP), Chamba
< !--[if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->
Chandigarh, Kapurthala, Rupnagar, Jalandhar, Mohali, Fatehgarh Sahib, Gurdaspur
< !--[if !supportLists]-->16. <!--[endif]-->
Kamrup, KarbiAnglong, Bongaigaon, Jorhat, Cachar, Darrang
< !--[if !supportLists]-->17. <!--[endif]-->
North Eastern
Gangtok HO,WestGaro Hills, Aizawl, East Khasi Hills, Imphal East, Mokokchung
< !--[if !supportLists]-->18. <!--[endif]-->
Delhi GPO Kashmiri Gate,Indraprastha HO