A workshop on PLI/RPLI was held at Dist. Auditorium, Sambalpur on 24.08.2013. The workshop was inaugurated by Hon'ble PMG, Shri P.K.Bisoi with all other dignitaries with
Maa Samaleswari Bandana. Shri S.P.Rajalingam, PMG, Berhampur Region, Shri S.K.Mahapatra, DDM(PLI), BBSR, Shri D.Rana, ADPS, Shri B.D.Pradhan, ADPS and Shri S.P.Behera, IP, Saro have explained the strategy of procuring business of PLI and RPLI. Shri J.Panda, Hon'ble CPMG, Odisha Circle addressed the function with an eloquent speech.
Shri Rajendra Dash, IP, Anandapur, Shri Basanta Ku. Patra, IP, Ghatagaon and Shri Biswanath Jena, IP, Keonjhar (West) were rewarded for their outstanding performance in procurement of business in respect of their Sub Division concerned.
The following slogan was recited by Shri Sanjay Ku. Mahapatra, DDP (PLI), BBSR and echoed by the participants marvelously.
== Paribare ame pariba
March masa puru na puru
Laksha hasala kariba ==
Address by Sri K.Behera, SPOs, Keonjhar |
Sri Basanta Ku. Patra, IP, Ghatgaon receiving the prize |
Sri Rajendra Dash, IP, Anandapur receiving the prize |
Sri Biswanath jena, IP, Keonjhar (West) receiving the prize |
Sri K. Behera, SPOs, Keonjhar |
Sri P.K.Bisoi, Hon'ble PMG, Sambalpur |
Sri J. Panda,Hon'ble CPMG,Odisha |
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